Friday, December 31, 2010

Follow a Fit Diet by Calorie Counting

When you start a workout, it is helpful to have a goal in mind.  For example, are you looking to lose weight or are you looking to gain muscle?  Do you want to get bigger, smaller or faster?  Based on your goal, that will determine the direction your workout will go.

The same premise follows along with dieting as well.  To go along with a fitness routine, you need a good diet.  Inevitably, a good diet will involve some sort of calorie counting.  The amount of intake will directly affect the results you get from your diet.  So, what is the best way to calorie count?  Well, that depends on who you ask.  Some say the high protein low carb diet is the best way to calorie count.  Others say the high carb low protein diets are the best ways to calorie count.  Following each of these diets prove to be a fast way to calorie count.  To be honest, there are several options.  So, what is the best way to calorie count?

To me, I prefer to find one of the easy ways to calorie count.  By easy I don’t mean ways to cut corners.  By easy I mean flexible.  I mean a diet plan that will fit everybody’s schedule, busy or not, and a diet plan that will fit everybody’s workout.  That is intermittent fasting.  To learn how this is a fast way to calorie count and in turn a great diet plan, visit here  Research shows that sustainable loss of weight can only be achieved on a diet which suits the individual food preferences, lifestyle and medical profile.  Flexibility is the key to a good diet plan and good fitness routine.